Service to Industry
A proud V3-certified company, Polaris is committed to supporting veteran employment and excellence in service delivery.
For Service members, career and transition planning is equally important, as is occupational training for mission success. The DoD SkillBridge programs provides retiring and transitioning Service members the opportunity to participate in industry training programs while transitioning out of their Military careers. The DoD covers Military pay and benefits during a Service member’s time in a SkillBridge program. This provides an invaluable experience for the Service member and the Industry Partner. Service members can also leverage Tuition Assistance and the GI Bill program to enhance marketability and post-separation career prospects. Service members may be eligible to participate in SkillBridge with 180 days of service or fewer remaining prior to the date of separation and at least 180 continuous days of active service.
Polaris is a program partner with SkillBridge. Feel free to contact Polaris with any questions. SkillBridge is an excellent opportunity to plan a life after the military.
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Intern Reviews
Read what Skillbridge interns have to say about Polaris Consulting Group!